Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Random thought!!

I know what is on my wish list!!!

I want one of those (cheesy) name/id necklaces!

So when I ever forget who I am, I can look down and remember!! keke :)

Happiness never melts - Swensons

Tennis with Babe = Me being the "Ball Girl"


Hey, you can't blame me for trying!! :D

Somebody stole my lunch box! It was removed or disposed of from the public fridge today!

Okay, so it was no fancy Tupperware or pretty lunch box, just a humble take away container. But just because of it's physical appearance, is it not to say still somebody's possession? (Hold that thought for a moment)

Was my ordinary take away container not worthy enough for fridge space?

So there was some foul, sourish smell around the fridge area, but it definitely had nothing to do with my lunch box! Promise! After all I had eaten all of it's contents, remaining my Macdonald's fork inside and a simple, white plastic bag around it.

Fair enough, it might of appeared to be rubbish - something worthy of disposure. But at who's call? As it was MY container, MY physical possession to do as I liked and with that, the right to dispose of or not dispose of it.

At this time let me add the reason I wanted to keep the container was simply because I don't have many containers or forks to be carrying around for lunch everyday. Stingy, I know. (Hey, I'm Chinese, okay and as a hippy at heart, I'm all for recycling!) But before you write me off as stingy and weird, let me tell you, I know other colleagues who also indulge in this behaviour - they too, leave their lunch boxes back in the fridge after they semi- eat it and even if they eat it all... The reason being, so they don't have to carry around a half filled or empty lunch box. Perfect sense to me!

So had it been a colleague's drink bottle, file, or headset, would it be fair to say you would not touch it for the mere fact that it was another's private property and has nothing to do with you - thus touching could constitute to trespassing (if you moved over to touch it on someone's desk) and removing/disposing of would be something often referred to as theft?

I still think it was my call to remove/dispose of my container. It was definitely unfair that it was removed based upon it's physicality and the general bad odours omitted in the fridge/kitchen area. Didn't people learn not to judge a book by it's cover, or in this case, a lil poor old lunch box from the big bad, smelly fridge?

The person who removed/disposed of my "lunch box", shall be forgiven. Only as it was my take away container (aka my beloved lunch box *sniff*) – so no biggie, really... A mini fit online has been suffice!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm bored! Mehhh! So I decided to come back online to aid my digestion, to make me feel ZZz... and of course, to cure my boredom! I have been in and out of Friendster five times, that's how bored I've been!! I felt like such a sad-arse!! But when I saw all those people update their profiles, pics etc - I felt better. ;P

It was a nice relaxing day today. A day of nothing much spent with my babe! *grinz* I like days like these... but I know we will be back to work and days of nothing much will be a rare luxury... :( That's okay, as long as we have each other we will be alright.


Last time at Meng's place for some boxing game/bbq with Mags and the boys, Nerissa imparted some profound words during our conversation discussing how my Dad was still in hospital... She then explained that there are a lot of families who don't bother visiting and others who rush to and forth the hospital to see their loved ones all the time. She then said (something along these lines), "I think that a lot of the times major illnesses happen for a reason (other than the obvious) - and they generally bring families together..."

That one statement she had casually shared with us really hit home. Times have been tough, emotional, and a lot of uncertainty in the earlier stages, but we all pulled through. I feel proud we have become a stronger and closer unit, though pity my Dad had to suffer in order to do so... Certainly, there will be plenty of unchartered territory to plough through... simply because I now have to take charge and I have never done so on such a large scale of importance before... But I love my family so no matter how difficult, I will still persevere.


Heard some positive feedback from the last interview. That's all I can say now cos I don't want to jinx myself... I'm feeling more confident to go for other jobs now. :)


I seriously want to go to the Gwen Stefani concert - anyone wanna join?? Tickets are on sale March 23rd.. or is it the 28th? I forgot liao... But I wanna goooooooo!!


Handed my Sony Ericsson W800i today. I pray that it's not water damage or it won't be under warranty! I don't want to pay anything... or anything over $100 to fix it, cos it's already an unexpected expense. Nor do I want to get another phone cos I've only just gotten my memory card from Bangkok and it would just be a waste. *sigh*


Okie enough surfing and ramblings. I think I shall go get some ZZz! May tomorrow be a fantastic day!!

I'm on break but I'm tired. This lethargic feeling is bugging me more than working two jobs! It's really irritating as I thought I'd be feeling better. GRRRR.

I'm hopeful I can get back into a good sleeping pattern. So far I haven't been able to enjoy more than 6 hours of sleep. Not enough ZZZ makes me a grumpy girl!!

At present I'm aimlessly searching the web and collating some holiday pics of mine. Fun, eh? All this while Jimmy is snoring (happily) away. Oh, how I wish I was him!!

I'm even feeling too tired to blog now. Who would've guessed! LOL.

Complain again laters!! Ciao ciao peeps!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tips for self:

What gets scheduled usually gets done.

What gets postponed usually gets abandoned.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

"Genius is 1% inspiration & 99% perspiration"

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I'm a dag + proud of it =)I've got 30 second memory - don't ask..I get bad cases of PMS =(Stupid comments come naturally - I should've been born a blonde!!I like making my frenz happy, making them smile - hence the stupid comments n cheezy grinz =PI can't window shop cos I can't resist e temptations! *HUBBY better take care of e finances!I've got ADD + often can't sit still... other times I'm quiet as a mouse + would rather be invisibleI'm 30% deaf + blind - plz dun discriminate.. just repeat urself + wave frantically for my attention!I like to day dream, procrastinate + waste time..I'm a chicken shit..I'm chatty + I'm probably sick if I'm speechless..I live to eat + I love to satisfy my cravings (even though I'm allergic to ermm just bout everything!)..I like my veges over my fruits..I eat garnish..I'm a whinger, a nagger n a cry baby - once I start I can't stop! *aikzz =\I love bright colours but always end up settling for black..It's not blush - I just go red easily *fans myself*I'm a clutz + often find unexplainable cuts n bruises on myself.. =/I make my bed with joy but I'm actually an untidy person.. I love star gazing with my babe..I love to sing + dance around like an eeediotttt..I love summerdayze =)I've become a beach bum + am anticipating e day I'm toasted "golden brown" n NOT "rosy orange" LOL!! MMmmMm~~I like raving + can't do without Alex's medic bear!I love my frenz - my gf's are #1 in my heart! no matter how far, no matter how long I will always lub u guys lots + lots* X O X OI believe karma will bite u in e bum if ure not good..I love fairy tale endings..I love my babe *smOoOcH*
**Current crave ~ Darrell Lea's GREEN APPLE SOFT EATING LIQUORICE!!!** mmMMMmm ;P~~~~

I think I have changed!!!!! Goodbye old Friendster profile!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Ahhh, my first day off! Yes, and "Ahhh" is the feeling I'm experiencing at present!

I just got back from my interview with Impex Personnel. Don't get too excited for me - it's only the first meeting with the recruitment company... so nothing major! I think it went well... so let's see what happens! Fingers crossed!

I contemplated heading to Carousel afterwards but decided I deserved some rest time at home before meeting up with Jimmy later this arvo. Now I am watching Dr Phil. I didn't like his confrontational manner before - but now I like it. He gets what needs to be done, DONE and he gets positive results, so "Go, Dr Phil!!"

I'm also randomly going through my forwards, namely from Maggie Mee! I really liked the Australia Day picture below... It's a fantastic shot!

I was sipping on a white tea, eating toast with caviar spread and some Peking Spare Ribs left over from Mike's birthday gathering the other night. Yes, "Ahhhh" - it definately feels good.

Summore I'm going to spend some time with Jimmy soon - so three cheers to a great day ahead!

Later Kathy asked me to join her and her friends at Sapphire Bar, Hitz and Brisbane Hotel... Some social activity! Sounds refreshing to a hard few couple of weeks! I'm thinking about it... :D

Thursday, March 01, 2007

On the way to work early this morning I encountered a traffic incident.

So the scenario went like this...

Driving towards Stirling Street I stopped at the railway crossing. I was in the left lane, the second car from the front and on the right lane there were two cars on par with us. When the boom gates lifted the car in front of me drove ahead first. Then the first car on the right lane proceeded forward.

Ok people, tell me one thing... In a merge situation, which car would go first? Mine or the car to the right? From my experience in driving, common sense and general etiquette, I drove ahead believing I had the right of way. Then the green mitshibishi piece of crap on the right lane kept revving it up and before I knew it, the bitch honked at me!! So thinking she was losing her cool over I don't-know-what, I let her drive ahead of me (since it seemed to offer her some sort of instant satisfaction)...

Unfortunately, it did not just end at this... I ended up being right behind her and it turned out we were both heading to the Megamart carpark... I shrugged it off and did feel a tad uncomfortable but then the unthinkable happened - after she got her token she turned her car around in the empty carpark and yelled, "Maybe you should learn how to fucken drive next time!!!"

That was the last thing I could ever imagine anyone would do or say over such a small matter (most people may give dirty looks, the finger, or just swear once out loud or under their breath.. but not so much verbally confront another ESPECIALLY if we were in the same vicinity - dumb blonde bitch) so I yelled back, "It was a merging situation!!" (note* I did not swear).. and then she continued, "But I was in front!!" and I just had to tell her she was wrong, "NOOO, you were next to me!!!" and with that I drove off to park my car as I got my token.

Then she got out of the car and was hanging around. I stayed in my car, NOT because I was scared but I did not want her to do anything to my car and I wanted to see where she was going rather than her seeing where I was going. So with that thought I took my time... afterwards she left the car park and I proceeded to get out of the car then I saw her walk back and peep through! LOL She probably realised that she went over the line and was worried I was going to trash her car. Of course I am not like that, but for a couple of moments I can't deny the thoughts didn't run through my head!!

Can you believe the attitude people have these days? Don't people understand anger and unreasonableness (if it is even a word in this context) get them nowhere? I mean what did she possibly achieve from lashing out at me? Five seconds of satisfaction? But she suffered 15 minutes (probably more in her case) of shortness of breath, a red face and probably etched a few extra wrinkles to her already ugly face. Was it worth it? How stupid can a person get?

Firstly we obviously work in the same area - same street - either in Hatch, the Funerals Director or Telstra... Not many companies along that area of Stirling St... So in future if we ever bumped into each other, it'd be awkward. Not to mention if we ever had to work together, the professional relationship would be scarred from the way she managed the situation. I suppose stupid people don't think of the ramifications of their actions. And in most instances, they would never know they were in the wrong because in their minds they are ALWAYS right. What has the world come to these days???