Sunday, September 25, 2005

They say that strength comes in numbers. I believe it is so.
As a voiceless victim, she was empowered by her friends. Cradled in the arms of her saviours, head buried from the prying eyes of the world… her friends were her voice. Her friends stood up to ‘the thing’ she could not face. She did not want to relive the memories. She did not want the story retold. But her friends, they did what they felt he deserved, what they felt she needed. Closure. Respect. Dignity in self. In that, they stood up for all those voiceless women who never once dared to tell. They did not want her to be a victim no more... Oh how the wind blew, how the pages turned… Don’t live in limbo they urged for it was not her fault, she should not punish herself… Walk away… Live for the moment, live for the future… There is newfound hope… She can be safe to live a life of a survivor. It’s a new beginning now…
I watched this and walked away feeling empowered myself. To this, I thank those girls. We deserve to be heard! We should be heard! We will be heard!

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.

- Albert Schweitzer

"The gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matt.7:13-14, in the Sermon of the Mount). "On that day many will say to me: Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name... (Matt.7:21-23). "many are invited, but few are chosen" (Matt.22:14). "Someone asked him: Lord, will only a few be saved?. He said to them: Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many will try to enter and will not be able... (Lk.13:23-29).

Pain.. I can’t describe it.. Yet it lingers.. Clouds my mind.. Shatters my heart.. Feelings of despair.. Feelings of helplessness.. I am nothing.. A soulless being.. Numbed by pain.. Pain.. Don’t consume me.. I’m already gone..

Friday, September 16, 2005

Have newfound respect for:

Keep up the good work guys! :P~

Just received a phonecall from an old acquaintance asking me to "join him on an outing". I was like, karaoke? And he was like, yeah with a bunch of friends... Level of dodginess? High.. haha but it was nice to be remembered regardless. Maybe if I'm up to it, I'll actually join him... afterall, I need to work on ME, myself & I. But then again, it's our 4 years 3 month anniversary... should I care? I'm not so sure anymore...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Because my hair looks so shit every morning, I've decided to chop it all off and go short. Or at least chop off the bleached bits cos that's where the main problems are, and I'm taking an awful lot of time in the morning trying to make myself presentable in the mornings!!

It's been so long...

When Lix came over, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy. I mean she's beautiful, smart and well-loved by, just about everyone. You see I really don't care if she is well-loved by everyone, just as long as my bf doesn't love her more than he loves me! But after feeling totally shit about all the possessiveness stuff, I finally decided to join them and learn to love her too. After all, if they love her so much, there must be something about Mary… well in this case, Lix. Anyway things finally began to look up cos as I began to let go of all my possessiveness (of my bf) and insecurities, I began to feel better overall about most things. And to my surprise after having a chat to her, I realized she was just the same as me, sharing the same girlie issues, the same feelings of doubt, insecurities with our bfs and so forth. The most memorable moment was when she secretly whispered to me, something that I too, had also felt about a certain someone! Hahauhauuhauauhauhauhua… Felt good about that cos I realized that I am in fact normal, very normal… or we’re just both very weird!

Had to do my Chinese assignment and struggled so when I found out that Veronica, my partner had approached some of our mutual Chinese friends for help, I too, decided that I needed that help! Hence, we spent most of Friday night translating the first ten minutes of About A Boy! While sitting there trying to help them help me (obviously I didn’t really help!) I felt a little emotional because I don’t think anyone has helped me so much with my uni work before, and they were scratching their heads, woking SUPER hard! Well, unlike Veronica, I rarely ask for help, but now, I think I will ask for help more often! Hehe :P It proved to be a very difficult task too, but nonetheless, Hong and Xie did a fantastic job! I felt really, really bad that I had to impose on them like that – so I owe then dinner now!

I feel that I am on the verge of a sore throat again. Don’t know why my throat is so sensitive these days. But I have noticed that consecutive late nights usually breeds an increasingly hoarse throat for me… which really is a bummer! I’ve also been getting comments that I look really, really super tired. I agree to that, because I haven’t been getting more than 6 hours of sleep lately and I am a 10 a day person! So I have been working full on. My poor body! Luckily my dad’s new massage chair is fantastic, really does knead out the knots in my back! Hehe

Feeling motivated about the future. Knowing what the direction I want to head into, in terms of career now is a comforting thing for me.. But I am still feeling shit about my casual hospitality job. It really isn’t for me. I can’t believe several nights in a row even gives me aches, I mean I am NOT THAT OLD! I put it down to an unfit issue!! Think salsa or some kind of dancing is the only sport that I can enjoy… ohhh maybe cricket or even footy actually, but of course not a serious game, and I do hate running after balls… so then again, probably not. Plus no one would wanna play with me anyways, not even my bf!

Went to the book store the other day and spend an hour plus in there quietly looking for some books to buy as gifts. I actually had a great time, more fun that those few hours I spend with my bf’s family in LV!! Weird huh? But anyway, I ended up wanting to buy books for myself, but remembered I was in fact on a budget and the whole purpose was to buy 2 books as birthday presents for a few of my friends!! So I ended up buying 3 books and cos I really couldn’t resist one of the ones I had picked up. It sounded so juicy and interesting, I just couldn’t let go of it, so I spend 30 odd bucks on myself, despite vowing not to spend any money on my birthday present hunt!! I did however, think about asking whether I could put some of the other books on lay by, but then I thought of how crazy that idea was, since the books weren’t gonna go anywhere, not as if it was the first day they were released in the whole of Perth or anything!! Hauhauahuahu And I wouldn’t be able to read all of them at once anyway! I am such an impulse buyer when I have bulging pockets! I really need to overcome that!

The other day, Marge’s bf called me and asked me for gift ideas. I felt a bit upset cos I remembered that I still hadn’t received mine from my bf yet. I almost kinda forgot myself and cos it’s been so long, I feel like it wouldn’t really matter if he didn’t get me one afterall, cos I mean… my birthday has been long gone. Then I thought about how “desperate” I was for some white gold ring. PFfFfffT Thinking back, I feel totally stupid that I had said I wanted that as a birthday present. I really don’t know why… I guess it was cos I wanted to feel some sense of security and acknowledgement that our relationship was concrete. But these are such materialistic ideals AND I wouldn’t want such a gift if my bf didn’t feel comfortable buying it for me. So fair enough. We’re not planning on a future together, no engagement, no marriage. This is just a relationship-that-can-turn-any-direction-any-day, type of thing. There is no such thing as security nowadays. I believe in love, but I don’t dare to think further than the next day now. Nothing will last forever unless both parties commit to each other and work hard to nourish the relationship.

Was talking to Adzzie just yesterday and we came across the topic of graduation and what we will do afterwards. I mentioned something about her and Aaron and I felt that there was some kind of hesitation, as if she was unsure of the future. That surprised me though, as they both seem so happy, so into each other. I mean, another year really isn’t that long… or is it?? I really thought they would be together forever. I guess I am a fairytale lover. I only love happy endings. I try not to think about sad endings, really depresses me, I guess unless it was me who was calling the cards and wanted to end a relationship myself, otherwise, I’d hate to think there was an ending to all loving relationships. Kinda got me thinking about my own love life. We’ve been together 4 years and a bit… Some tell me that’s AGES, but it doesn’t really feel that long, in a sense I can stay in it for a lifetime, but I don’t think that is how my bf thinks. I don’t think he is sure of what he wants. Just like his studies and career, I think love is the last thing on his mind. That’s a bit sad.

Oh but talking bout yesterday, our Chinese presentation went quite alright. I was surprised at how fast I could speak under immense amount of pressure to follow the script!! Afterwards Veronica, Francis, Michelle and I also had a very Sex and the City dim sum! Don’t know how we got on to talking about bfs, love, and! Gosh so many dirty but juicy lil secrets! Huahuahuauaua Poor Francis, cos I think she was the most innocent one there, not saying much as she was probably thinking we were some sex-crazed animals! (actually not me, only Veronica, but I think I encouraged her! hauhauhauhua) On a less dirty side, we discussed how most of them prefer older bfs, and how some just go for the money etc. Wow, for one thing, my bf is younger than me, and secondly I didn’t go out with him for his money, so I couldn’t really relate. But I did agree that a bf should spoil their gf, pay for outings (most of the time!) hahuauauha. It’s just a necessity! We all agreed that stingy guys are the worst, type and even if you weren’t money minded, if your bf was super stingy that would strain the relationship and take any sort of sizzle out of everything!

Later after Gwen and Nerrisa’s place we had Nandos for dinner and then watched Charlie and the Chocoalate Factory! It was a pretty fun movie and I have a new found interest in Johnny Depp now! Might go look up on him a little later!! :p But it was a girlie night, had a lot of fun, even though I was really tired by the time we were at the movies, I mean I almost felt myself falling asleep at one stage (and that’s something I’ve never experienced before!) and had a bit of a headache during the singing bits of the movie! Top night regardless!