Friday, July 22, 2005

The Bottom Line
Set them free, sweet pea. Don't forget it's the best way to get them to come back.
In Detail
Stop thinking about the past -- the negative parts of it, at least. You've done your share of that and it hasn't done you any good. Why not look to the future instead, and think about all the good things that lie ahead for you? If there's anyone you can talk to who'll be able to remind you of what's gone before that's worth taking along with you, talk with them. Otherwise, think of yourself as a brand spanking new soul.

Guess what peoples??! I've finally completed Korean 111 Winter Intensive Course!! And let me tell you... it was HELL INTENSIVE!! BUT today we did our roleplay presentation, and Kat and I were literally shitting ourselves because we were so so sooooooooooo unprepared for it! Actually, the shitting in pants bit was just by me.. and I was red in the face and dying of thirst for the whole two hours!! I so get stage fright... jelly legs and bowel movements summore! ahuahuauhaua
We then had korean BBQ celebration lunch with thewhole Korean gang at Hana BBQ in Mount Pleasant. It was pretty nice, but the lady owner seemed really bitchy and she was NOT even Korean! So it wasn't authentic... heheh but the whole outing was really, really fun!! At one point I felt so sad that my bottom chin was trembling and I felt the water works kick in! ahahhaha jkz lah :P Anyway tonight we've arranged for some hardcore karaoke at Hit Studio so it should be really fun! hehehe
Anyways I am tooo lazy to type cos I'm so super tired but I really wanted to post some of the pics we took from Kathy camera... So enjoy and feel the happiness (minus the pungent smells!!) that we have endured for the past 3 weeks! hhehehehehe :PPP But if I have the time later, I might reminisce my Korean affair and share it with all you guys!!! hehehehe
An Nyong Hi Kye Se Yo for now pplz!!

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Bottom Line
How's the old ego? Healthy? Overactive? Repressed? Overdressed? Figure it out!
In Detail
If anyone can be inspirational to others, it's you. One well-placed word, phrase or sentence can have the same effect on a loved one as an hour-long speech by someone less motivated. That said, you really should pull out all the stops now and do what you can to help that loved one turn their life around. You've got what it takes to inspire them and they've got what it takes to listen. It's a winning combination.

The wall that's been between you is showing signs of crumbling, so get out that pickax and help it along. Sure, it's somewhat scary; those little vulnerabilities you've been hiding so successfully on your side are about to be revealed. But when they're standing there, all puny and blinking, you'll probably realize that they're actually kind of cute, or at least pretty darn funny. Save a tiny piece of the wall to remind you of the days before the fall -- it'll be a collector's item at some point.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Drunken Monkies! and Tai in the backgrond there! Posted by Picasa

Ange playing STATUES by herself! Aiyah you can move no worries lah, cos you'll for sure be da winner if u play by urself!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Drunken eeeeeeeeeeediots! Ange looking a tad more drunk than me! Posted by Picasa

Random shot, I should become a photographer right? I was thinking that too! These FuNky DiScO BaLLs were SO spinning me out hey! Posted by Picasa

Gary - Mr No Name - Alex Posted by Picasa

We're cuties I must say! Posted by Picasa

HEEEE Open WIDE come inside!! ahuahuauh that's what Ange is inviting us to do with her sexy eyes!!... heheh Me with my head tilted way to much! Posted by Picasa

KA-CHING!!! Peace y'all! Posted by Picasa

Gary - can't rmb his name - Alex (da guy going away.. like for two weeks!! i tot the going away meant "for good" you know!! ) - Andy at the back there, looking like a drunk fark.. ok a hero! ahuahuahuahuahuahuhaua Posted by Picasa

Again... Posted by Picasa

Me + Ange, looking OH so FiNe! Yeah baby! Posted by Picasa

Me + Ange... What big head you've got there babe... Better to scare you with... hahhaha Up close and personal man! Posted by Picasa

Gina + Me! Posted by Picasa

Three Musketeers again! Posted by Picasa

Gina - Me - Angela - Echin!! Told you it was a Lynwood gathering!! teeheee! :p Posted by Picasa

At Dreamland (OH so OLD SKOOL!) with Gina (left) and Ange (right)!! Angela was so drunk!! Posted by Picasa

Stitch, Angela's beautiful, cutie doggie!! So good good boy so I liked him!! See my lovely legs in the background?! :P Luckily I was NOT drunk enough to eat the dog food she was serving! ahuauahuahuauhauhauhauhau Posted by Picasa

Was talking to Maggie Mee last night about my consumption of jealousy! Man I just realised that when this horrible feeling overcomes me, I literally shatter inside, as if everything shrivels and crumbles downwards. That's how I feel when jealousy kicks in. I don't really know why it does this to me, but it just does. How can I control this feeling? Have I really been permanently scarred from past experiences? Or was I born with this terrible condition? Or did I develop it because I'm a Mini Mr Burns? Aiyah, I'm not evil or stingy but dunnoes who to compare it to... Maybe I'm just a bit of a crazy bitch...

Talking about it openly last night almost got me on the verge of tears... It actually hurt while I was talking and thinking and thinking and talking about it! Can y'all believe it?? Maybe I've got trust issues but I know that my partner is a clean as... as... as can be! As innocent as a bee! So I really don't know how anything brought it on... I guess I feel in the dark sometimes... Like I don't know what's going on anymore. I hate being clueless - I like to be in touch with my feelings, his feelings, our feelings... I also hate not being acknowledged as you all already know! If you don't acknowledge that I'm alive, I'd probably ignore you too! But if you're at least a "Hey, how are you...." and then a "Bye" then I'd like you!! hehehe I was just brought up to greet people you know. It's not such a difficult thing... Unless I had got PMS and was just momentarily angry at the world... then please forgive me if I didn't fulfill general courteousy!!! Sorry lah!! :p

Well after a nice little catch up with Maggie Mee, I decided to take on Angela's offer to join her at her place for a going away party for a Mr-I-Don't-Know-Who!!! But I really wanted to get out and about since I had been slaying away for the past week and a bit so much that even a "party" sounded good. Cheesy, but good! (*Note: I said cheesy cos the term "party" sounds OH SO high school, junior high... don't you reckon??!) Anyway, arrived there to find some old Lynwood boyz! How EMBARRASSMENT!! I was shocked but we didn't really speak, just played drinking games (to which the girls won by far!!!! So that's where lady luck came about!!) *hic* and I just found out that I am not a drinker and definately not an alcoholic!!! For sure, Mate!! Cos I pretty much hate all forms of spirits, or maybe just tequila shots cos I think I was gone after 4 and 2 beers... I was light headed, loud, hot and flustered, not to mention I freaking had to pee every 5 minutes!! But I guess I did all that within the hour cos I got there at about 11 and we left to go to Dreamland probably about 1230! So no, I can't be classified as a CHEAP DRUNK... yet!!! HAAAAAAAAaaa! I'm just crazy cos I didn't think that I had to drive home... that's what desperation to GET OUT does to ya! So my early night ended up not so early getting home and sleeping at 4ish am!!! -_- Yah so tired man!!! But I'm up and ready to study (no hang over, woohoo!) and just waiting for my boy to wake up and call me... so I can be his maid and clean out his room... :p thanks babe, you better be my slave in return later *wink*

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Take the quiz: "what'>">"what kind of smile do you have? (pics)"

sexy smile
you are an optimistic, fun person who loves to showoff those pearly white teeth!!! you always find the good in everything and that alone is very sexy!

Where I wanna be... :) Mon cherieeeeee Comment allez-vous? Jemapelle Evelyn!! J'adore Paris... J'adore Jimmy.. J'adore chocolat!! Voulez vous couche avec moi??! ahuahauuh can't think of anymore french! I'm such a try hard!!! :Ppp Aiyah one more, Bon appetit!! Posted by Picasa

Hey long time no blog! Why you all ask? Well, I ran off and became a NUN!

No lah, I'm freaking studying my ASS off... studying the Korean Language or Han gul as I just learnt a few days ago! This Korean Winter Intensive course is a tough cookie might I add. Let's see, I have to go to class everyday Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm, then we learn a unit a day, then I have to do sets of homework (pages and pages worth) every night, and we have tests every 2 days on 2 units per test!! PHWOAR... I'm out of breath explaining it to you guys.. okay more like my right hand has developed some severe arthritis where I've got my hand permanently in the 'pen-holding' position!! How super sad!! I look really retarded now! :p

Talking about looks an aunty at work told me that my hair looked like grass. Can you believe how CRUSHED I felt for the rest of the night?! Hell yeah my ego was bruised! hahah jkz, but yeah since Korean started, I haven't been maintaining ANYTHING... I've got bushes and I think my mono-brow is growing back! ahuahuauhhauha Yes the hairiness is coming back... back in fashion I hope lah! Besides growth, the hair on my head has been utterly disgusting because of the bleach + perm = dead hair that I've got now... I was advised by Ivy to have a trim!! Yes, she is one of those trendy aunties, I mean she has even had ther hair chemically straightened!! How IN is that?! But thanks, Ivy for pointing out my grassy hair at work... I feel like my hair is really gross now and I can't wear a hat to cover it cos I SO don't suit hats and look really China woman cos most hats not only don't FIT my small head, but also don't SUIT my heart shaped face!! GRRR I hate my face!!

Keeping busy hasn't been that bad though.. At least I'm not sitting around waiting for phone calls etc anymore!! I'm freaking studying (which is definately out of character!) during semester break (ohmigosh right?! I know! Who would have thought I'd put myself thru all this??! And during my holidays too!! *sniff sniff*), so a GOLD STAR to ME!! hehe For all my hard work and efforts!! Aiyah, but I just saw a notification from oasis that I was granted a supp exam for bus stats!! :( Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Let me just cry a little first. But I am also kinda relieved cos if I pass it second round then I won't have to repeat it next semester! Wooo Hooo, now all I need to do is learn everything again... since I didn't do shit all when I was supposed to... But are supp exams harder??? I've never done one before... feeling a bit scared now.. oh no I hope I don't have tummy upsets now... stress does that to me sometimes... hahah a secret no longer! ahuahuauahuauahauahua jkzz The supp is next Turdsday... haha... typos can be so farnieeeeeeeeeee... *hic* BurPPppppPppp* Thursday I mean... Ai yah I so hope I passed my trade and banking unit otherwise if I fail this supp exam I will have to overload and that's definately a NO NO cos I know I will do even more shit if I don't have time to relax... you know bum around and all! I wanna graduate with at least distinctions you know! So plz plz I gotta do well for this supp exam, and plz plz let me pass Trade and Banking!!! I can't afford to fail!!!!!

Anyways, I'm lazy to type now cos I think my arthritis is flaring up and not to mention I've got some back ache!! Feeling older than I am already!! Ai yah my birthday and I will be 23! Almost mid 20's... How sad!! I already left the 'teens' and now reaching mid twenties I already feel some pains and aches!! Gosh I think I really need to work out!! Or maybe just a good night's sleep will do the trick!! :p Luckily I've got Kathy to learn Korean with... Luckily cos she's a ball of sunshine everyday so always a pleasure to hang with her! Thanks sweetie! I know you kicked my ass in our test today so stop pretending you stuffed up!!!

Ciao all... Wish me luck for Korean and my supp okies!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Watched War of Worlds with my babe tonight . It was very good... surpassed my expectations, because I was honestly disappointed that we didn't chose to see Magadascar first! But all was well because the movie was gripping and eery and good. I SO have writer's block!!
So what am I over? I'm over feeling. I am over feeling overly emotional. I'm over feeling feelings full stop! I just want to feel numb...