Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Man, I hate asian studies because my exams are always before everyone elses! But I guess it's also good so I get it out of the way and have more time to focus on my commerce exams... *sigh* Studying hurts my head. I can't concerntrate! All I wanna do is: a) See my bf, b) Blog, c) Go out with my friends, d) Blog, e) Sing karaoke, f) Blog, g) Drink bubble tea, h) Blog, i) Dine in a yummy, fancy restaurant, j) Blog, k) Salsa Dance!!!.... Yes, anything but study!! Oh I also want to help out the orphans and those with family problems.

My recently discovered "fave" activities:

...I think I'm turning a bit hippy!...

Yeah, I was studying with some of my friends before, and while we were studying we were chatting... And of course our convos all ended up being very entertaining where we all fell into laughing fits. Don't you think its funny when we're talking about something and then bodily mucus of sorts come flying out across the table?! Well I was laughing really hard about I can't remember what, but then all of a sudden I felt like my snot was gonna shoot out, so as a normal reaction I put my hands over my nose!... Luckily I regained my composure and nothing snotty flew out! Then getting over feelings of slight embarrassment, we continued talking and this time my friend was the story teller... she started talking super fast and *bLekKkk* a blob of her saliva came dribbling out of her mouth!! As you would have guessed we laughed throughout most of our study period, so we didn't get much done but I think I might have lost a few kilos just being there! Man this is going to be a crazy week!!

Oh and good news girls!!! I'm not working this week! I was supposed to work Saturday night but then apparently the wedding was cancelled. Super weird, but oh wells. So Friday night I am free for whatever you guys wanna get up to!! *wink wink*

Anyway after fretting a bit this whole arvo, I decided to look up this Mr Rubbersuitman. I discovered that he 33 and is quite a talented artist. So I guess I was fretting for nothing. He did say in his profile that he enjoys "harrassing people on the world wide web" so I guess he was just living up to his image!! Anyhow, thanks for the stress mate!! hehe :)

Anyway, was just bumming while waiting to meet my uni friends for some hardcore revision. After eating a Shepards pie and sipping on my all time fave drink, Coke, I headed to the loo and remembered one of my fave past times!!
Reading the toilet doors and walls!! hahauhuahauhua. Yes, I am totally against graffiting, but then again, people's comments and views are really interesting when you're having a break from study!! Poems, love letters, racist comments, political debates, depressive/psychotic comments etc. Loads of wonderful and appalling stuff! I almost wanted to whip out my pen to agree/refute them but then I realised that I didn't wanna become a toilet graffitier, I just wanna be the audience!

I just received a freaky comment from a "Mr Rubbersuitman". I don't know who the hell it is, or whether he is joking or not, but I'll show you wat he said anyways. Here goes:
From :
Mr. Rubbersuitman
Sent :
Monday, 30 May 2005 9:07:19 PM
To :
Subject :
[Dear Mr Blog] 5/30/2005 08:55:46 PM

Thanks for giving me pics of my next victims, you can find Maggie Mei, down by the river, next Sunday --Posted by Mr. Rubbersuitman to
Dear Mr Blog at 5/30/2005 08:55:46 PM
I don't know what those swiggles are meant to be but anyway he seems interested in Maggie Mee. Anyway this is some freaky shit. So I thought I'd broadcast his comment here so peoples can see his joke/threat?!
Why the hell do I get scary comments while other peoples get helpful hints/comments etc?! I want advice not freaky death threats!!! It's like WTF right??! But I guess he is the first person to leave a comment, so I guess Thanks? But no thanks?! hehe... Either that, or I really didn't get his humour??!
Anyways, girls, no more walks by the river or no more talking to strangers aiteeeeeeeee??!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Hey hey! I've got Mondayitis, so I'm a bit looney today! Anyways, when are you (M) going to use your freaking camera?! It's sooooo super cool. Wanna trade for a day?! Hahaha jkzz. Well my parents are watching some new series, and I just heard my mum laugh super hard, so I guess she is okay?! hehe yay! No more hard feelings and no more grumpiness, HOPEFULLY! (C + M) Ta ta for you guys coming out for coffee with me!! I was super down and sleepy when I was by myself at uni today. It's so sad being loney, well a loner. Eve = loner. :~( Well, until you guys came to save me!! Then my frown turned upside down!! :) So thanks!!
Oh as I said, I thought I'd be a critical but true friend and write a few points about all of us! Here goes:
Yay Points:

Boo Point:

Maggie Mee:

Yay Points:

Boo Points:

Okay I can't think of anymore now. I'm super tired now so I might shower! You guys can write me a yay & boo analysis too! Feel free to, I don't mind. Friends are honest to each other. Cos I know if I write one about myself, it'll all be good stuff! hehe :P

With true friends...even water drunk together is sweet enough. - Chinese Proverb.

Awesome threesome II! I look stunned but Maggie Mee & Crispy look pretty as always!! AwwWww! :) Posted by Hello

Awesome threesome!! Posted by Hello

My pretties! Anyone wanna bid? I won't sell for anything under a dollar!! MwAaHaAhAaHaaaaaaaaaaaa Posted by Hello

WaHhhaAaTtt??! Superman?! Where?! Posted by Hello

Eww my finger looks stubby, but at least Marge is lovingly staring at me!! I think Superman just flew past!! Posted by Hello

Pic gone wrong: I was trying to go for Maggie Mee's breasts.. Look at her green tongue!! At least my mouth looks normal!! hahaha naa only cos she ate a frog before!! hehe Posted by Hello

Ebellini: Let's pretend to kiss! Maggie Mee: Okie, this time with tongue right?! *sLuRrPp* :p Posted by Hello

Maggie Mee jinxed us, so we weren't allowed to talk!! Our faces were going to KABOOOMMM!! Posted by Hello

I swear, if y'all look closely, it looks like we both got some moustache growth ya?? Posted by Hello

Crispy: Give me a kiss! Maggie Mee: A french kiss?! Posted by Hello

My best buddies, sistas, Christine & Marge! *muakz* Posted by Hello

Crispy & Moiiiiiiiii in China Town!!  Posted by Hello

Maggie Mee & Ebellini! Posted by Hello

Maggie Mee: Hurry, hurry, I can't keep this look for long!! My mouth is too full!! Crispy: C'mon Ebe, this ice berg is colddddd! Oh Ohh, I think my tongue is stuck on the straw! HELP!! Posted by Hello

Paul & Honey! Can you spot honey's new accessory?! Posted by Hello

"Men For Sale"... except the QT on the far left, he is already taken!! hehe.. Honey, Mike, Thomas, Teo & Leon! Posted by Hello

Yo, yo WaDduPp?! Honey & da BiRfDaY bOi, Dr. TeOoOOooo!! Vellie cool cool man, vellie cOoLLLLLLLL!! :) Posted by Hello

No, not really lah, Leon wouldn't dare to try anything whilst I was around!! Happy grins everywhere!! Posted by Hello

Leon Lai: Hey SeXxy, I've had my eye on you for awhile... MwAhaHaha!! :P~~ (Jimmy is oblivious to everything, very blur lah!) Posted by Hello

A lovely pic of my babe & I! How sweettttt! Posted by Hello

Birthday gUrL Vicki with her glow in the dark nipple (!!), Mailee and Moi! Posted by Hello

My new friend, Karen & I! I met her that night whilst I was sitting by myself!! She's 29 but she dun look it!! Hmm she looks drunk now come to think of it! Posted by Hello

SeXxY MaiLee & Moi! Her hair looks wicked too! Posted by Hello

Sandy & Moi!! Look at Rock Chic Sandy! Her hair cut looks super cool! I like this photo cos the background looks lovely and we're perfectly centered! Posted by Hello

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20
Sat May 28, 2005
Thoughts of the past start to fill your mind from today and will continue to occupy you until mid June. Enjoy this sentimental journey down memory lane by looking through lots of old keepsakes and treasures or by discussing past events with someone who shared them with you. You might also enjoy watching programmes about the past on television.
(Oh honey, I hope you're reminising about us! I guess we haven't been together for that long... so maybe it's not referring to us... well I hope who ever it is, isn't a smelly gurrrrllllll! hehe jkz...)

Leo July 24 - Aug 23
Sat May 28, 2005
Intellectual topics will give you plenty to think about during the next two weeks and you'll enjoy discussing your thoughts with people who are on the same wavelength as you. You might even have some wide-ranging discussions that encourage you to organize your thoughts and review your opinions. The coming fortnight will also be a great opportunity to make contact with friends you haven't spoken to in a while.
(Hrmm, maybe I need to meet up with Anna soon!! Or maybe it's that new friend I made on Saturday night! hehe!)

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20
Mon May 30, 2005
It's one of those days when familiarity breeds contempt. In other words, the better you know someone the more likely they are to get up your nose now. An added irritation may be that you're silently seething about something that happened in the past and which everyone else may have forgotten about but is still fresh in your memory. Try not to brood over past hurts and slights if there's nothing you can do about them now. What good will they do you?
(Honey, what's bothering you? Are you feeling okay? Is it me? Or my past that is bothering you? I don't want to "get up your nose", I want to ride with you, I want to walk by your side... Please talk to me about your problems (if indeed you have any)... I am always here for you, rmb that! :))
Leo July 24 - Aug 23 Mon May 30, 2005 If you're feeling drained after yesterday's emotional rollercoaster you need to recuperate by having fun. In a perfect world you should get together with some of your favourite friends and let your hair down. If work or other commitments mean that's impossible, at least try to meet up with a chum for a coffee or a quick drink, or arrange to see them later in the week. You need something nice to look forward to!
(Yes, I AM totally drained. First of all my mum is the same horoscope as me so I guess we constantly clash and get on each other's nerves!! Yes, babes, I really need to have fun!! Meet me guys plz! This is a red light alert!! It's desperation here!!)

With regards to Friday's final verdict, I feel really sad that Corby has to do 20 years of jail. Poor thing, I mean 20 years is such a long time. And what the hell with the $14000 fine? What is the point of that if she's gonna do 20 years anyway? Man, it just made me think how unsafe travelling can really be, and also made me think about my future. In 2o years, how will I be? What will I become? What will I look like? Will I be married? Will I have children? Will I own my own house? Or even scarier thought, will I still be living with my parents??! Wahhhh scary thought, scary thought!! No thanks, I'll move out soon I think! Or at least after this year, after I graduate... hopefully. *fingers crossed*
It also made me think about Jimmy. What will he look like in 20 years time? I mean, okay fair enough, I may not even be with him or see him in 20 years time, but it just crossed my mind!! Hmm, would he look like his grandpa? His dad? hehe cute thoughts. I think he will always look handsome to me though. So no matter how he changes he will always be my babe. I mean he still has that cute look on his face he had since he was like 2!! I'm slightly jealous that I don't have a pic of him when he was little, but he uses it as his msn pic so everyone else can see his cute face! Hrmph, I'm so jealous honey!!! I want one too!
Anyway, I'm just bored so I'll get over this! I might go buy a kebab and spend lunch time all my my lonely self!!

Just got to uni... Late, again. My mum has been a super motor mouth, going on and on about all my faults. Man, you'd really think she hates me. *sigh* I don't really know what I've done wrong, except that I come home late on Saturday nights. But then she was also going on and on about how I go out on Wednesdays and Thursday nights as well. Well she might as well shoot me for having a bf that I love (and also have limited quality time together) and having a bit of a life. She should know that since I've been young, I've been a bit of a "going out" person anyways. She really should, I mean come on, we used to go ice skating, movies in year 8, 9 and Seoul in like year 10, etc. I've always been actively social. Ahh wells, I guess it's cos I haven't shown her any results, so she thinks I'm still lowly and skum of the earth, or at least out of everyone elses daughter... Or so she says anyway.
On an interesting note I must discuss, last night was HILARIOUS!! CrIsPy, MaGgI mEe and EbeLLiNi again. What a threesome!! First it was meant to be Oriels, then it changed to Little Creatures, then due to time restraints and other things it ended up being good old Tea Fusion! Haha, but it was really *pee in my pants* fun! It's great to know that best friends are really best friends - always - and that we can laugh, cry and bitch about anything!! Sitting outside, even as a non-smoker (moi) was great fun, even though I had to fan away everyone's second hand smoke. It's like I might as well become a smoker myself, with all the smoke I take in anyway! haha, no it's not appealing to me and I think I could use that 10 bucks on like Maccas instead!
Another thing, for some reason Moi had a gas problem, and that became another interesting topic of discussion. But then Crispy let in that she also had a little extra gas herself, that she was beeping away last night at Ewan's engagement! Classic moment: When Crispy said that whilst she was beeping, JJ asked, "Are you ok babe??" and with the funniest, or dopiest (?!) look on her face, she goes, "Yeahhh" (crinkled eyebrows, and a "Yeah, of course I am, der..." face!!) Back onto my case, I had to pee pee lah, so went into the very echoOoOOOoey toilet of Tea Fusion... had trouble peeing it out cos u know after the late night... anyway, sitting there for quite a bit I decided to try and force it out, little did I know that another "sound" beeped out of moi!! How EMBARRASSMENT!! And to make it worse I just heard some girl come in to pee too!! I was pretty definate she heard cos I mean it sounded like triple farts since it echoed oh so much! Man I was red in the face and could only look at my feet as I walked out!! I was considering coming out and pretending nothing happened, but then I thought maybe I should come out and smile at her and then joke about my extra gas! Anyhow, she escaped first, cos maybe she was too embarrassed to confront me about it cos she was already trying to contain her laughter or disgust, or maybe it was just cos I took too long thinking about what to do as I tried to contain my laughter!! Anyway, it was really funny and coming out examining who could've been to the toilet, we came to the conclusion that it was most likely Ivy cos every other girl around us didn't get up to go to the loo whilst I was there!! How embarrassing, I hope she dun go to Maz and giggle about it in front of their bfs!! Or I hope they don't blog it with my name in bold font!! hahahaaaaaaaaaa *sigh*
As that became our interesting topic I was just thinking about how the most natural processes are the most ugly or gross and/or smelly. Isn't it weird? Like peeing is like yellow in the morning, or when we get those diareeha (how to spell ah?) periods and the whole toilet is flooded with brown shitty water!! Yes, ahem, I just think it's really interesting though. Well, mine, not others. I guess I've always had this weird urge to have a peek at others just so that I could see if I was normal (?) as well! I know I'm super weird... NAAaa come on, I think that's how most people feel, but they dun wanna say it. I mean isn't that why guys pee together? So they can get a peek at thier friends thingy? hahaha, same as pukes, why da hell do we have carrot like pieces in there even when we haven't eaten carrots? I've come to a personal conclusion that it must come to some point in our digestive system where a Mr Digestive Guard examines whatever that we ate and says, yes or no, then either lets it pass to our Miss Anus or regurgitates it back through Miss Mouth. Don't you think? And by that point, our food would have digested to greeny, orangy pieces and chuncks so that is the reasons as to why our pukes are the way they are. True or not ah??
And just wondering, anyone got any answers as to why our lipglosses, lipsticks form this sort of gucky white film on our lips? It's strange cos I get it sometimes. It's a bit annoying cos I'm talking or not talking at all, then I realise I've got stuff on my lips and I'll have to wipe it off. Again, it's pretty gross! Is it my body is allergic to it so my lips are in a sense foaming to rid the glosses?? Aiyah, don't think so lah. Well Maggie Mee reckons (cos she dun get it!) that it's cos I talk too much that bits of my saliva just builds up on my lips cos the gloss are sticky. What do you guys reckon? Yeah, I know I can talk a lot, but her theory?
We also had a fun photography session last night. Yes, it was bare it all, and big lips!! haha, no really, no seXxy pics, on the contrary we took really spaZztic retarded photos instead. That was much more fun. I'll post them a little later, just so you guys can enjoy them the way we enjoyed taking them! I love you babes!! *awww*
Anyway, I'm glad even though I'm down I can still make myself laugh. Glad, glad, but I'm hungry now so I hope Maggie Mee brings some of her products to school so we can have a budget lunch or just a kebab will do, babes! I hope you come meet meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! You will be my saviour!! And if you meet me I won't give you shit about you know what anymore?! plz plz plz *on my knees*

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Hey sweetieeeeeeeee! I'm so glad I'm not feeling down today! I just feel a little tired!! Anyway Maggie Mee came to accompany me and we just bummed and did a lil uni work. We're gonna go out soon so I'll be quick! I just read our horoscopes! It's good!


The Bottom Line
Be open to transformation, and you could undergo a brilliant metamorphosis.
In Detail
If anyone is drawn to exciting, exotic people, it's you. You've even been known to turn an ordinary human into a god/dess by romanticizing their best qualities. Does that mean you're not competent to gauge what's a real love affair and what's not? Absolutely not. If anyone is qualified, it's you. Seeing the best in the ones we love is the number one prerequisite for staying together. Keep up the good work.

And this is mine!
Power struggles are never fun, especially when they involve money or love -- and don't they all? You're due for one now, and it'll take all your strength to resist decimating your opponent. Be gentle -- for your karma's sake.

The Bottom Line
When it comes to relationships (all kinds), today's a good day to go with your gut.
In Detail
Oh, here we go. It's time for drama, of the love or money variety. Now, you're no stranger to this sort of thing, so seeing it unfold won't startle you. You may, however, be surprised at just how oddly indifferent you are to it at the moment. Yes, even if you're ordinarily quite fond of a little turbulence during flight, you'll probably find yourself trying to keep things calm. Write it off to maturity, and don't worry.

hahha now Maggie Mee is out of the shower so I'm gonna go watch her put make up on!

Oh and HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY to Anna and Janet!! Hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

I just realised that just about 80% of my posts are negative or about me feeling super shit. It's like my world is a shithole and I can't handle living in it or something! Gee, I do have many unresolved problems! But there are so many more important things in the world, and here I am dwelling on my pathetic problems, on my stupid life. Oh, here I do again, another sad story to tell. haha... yes, I shall laugh. Laughing will heal the world, and that is just what I'll do. Laugh and smile away from now on! I don't care if I look like an idiot, as long as it can make me and others feel better and have a cheerier day, then it's fine with me! * *SMILEZ*GRINZ**

Honey and I at Hit Studio last year before my holiday. Look at his cheesy grin! Such a cutie arhh!! Posted by Hello